Wednesday, January 28

I'm still here!

Ok ok. I'm still here, I promise. Just not doing so well with my plans and I didn't want to post negative thoughts or get yelled at. Some much for wanting to be held accountable, huh?

I'm actually too tired to write alot right now. But, know that I'm still trying for the half marathon in about 12 weeks. But, also know my body is rebelling lately and I can't complete more than 1.5 miles before I breakdown. Possibly due to lack of sleep, but also diet and mental frustrations in other areas.

Why exactly did I decide to do this??

Wednesday, January 21

How's your 2009 going?

Ok, so I haven't completely given up on you gals:) It's hard to do the tough love thing. Can you give us an update on what you've been doing or if you've made and resolutions for the new year?

I've pretty much given up on the resolution part because I never succeed at them. Some things I do want to work on is trying to simplify all the junk in my house (is that possible?), decrease spending, reduce the bills and to be healthier as usual. I'm down about 25 lbs. since surgery. My activity lately has been the Wii Fit we got the family for X-mas, but that's been about it. I'm so bad. I just hate getting up off my rump!

How have you moved this year?

Monday, January 5

Pleeeeassseee don't give up on meeeeeeee

Hello from out in la-la land...

I do have an update. I have been neglecting all things blogging for a few months, so it's time to play catch-up. I haven't lost a great deal of weight, but I am a little farther away from pregnancy weight than during my last meltdown, so that makes me happy.

I will (whenever I get around to it, you know how that goes) cancel my gym membership. In this economy, I cannot justify the monthly expenditure when my motivatation waxes and wanes as it does. Instead I have purchased a wii fit, which really seems to help in the motivation department. Funny, we got the "physical" training and also "brain" training on Nathaniel's DS. Eric and I have signed onto both systems and are starting to compete which is a great drive for me.

I believe that one of the things that has positively impacted my weight is a reduction (which I wouldn't call significant at this point) of my starbucks intake. Part financial, part health, part logistical, I'm sure that it's helping to do its part. I can actually go by one of the many near me without stopping EVERY time, which is a definite improvement. While I feel Terese's pain in regards to the "poor man's cafe mocha", I haven't ramped back up to 3 times a week mode and hope to stay away from it.

My caloric intake is still atrocious, but lets work on one or two things at a time.

1) I have been doing somewhat better taking the meds, also found out that one medication (lamictal for seizures) I can take in one dose instead of 2, and that helps.
2) I have "purchased" additional motivation in the fitness department and because this is such a quick and convenient way to get ANY exercise in, I think it will have a more lasting effect.

I will probably post more on my blog the other things going on in my life.

I just want to thank you Terri, from the bottom of my heart for giving a little of that tough love we need sometimes. :)

Giving up. . .

Ok gals . . . I think I'm giving up on you until someone else posts something:) You'll just have to check my blog out at to see my weight loss updates. I figure I will keep it updated there than duplicate it if I'm the only one participating - -- hint, hint . . .