Wednesday, March 4

Before & After as of 3-4-09

Ok, here we go . . . I am officially down 32 lbs. as of last night's weigh in. Woohoo!! In honor of that accomplishment, I have posted the original "before" picture taken before my surgery and a picture I took today with my camera phone. I went to put on my favorite shirt this morning and it just hung on me - so I went into the closest and pulled out a shirt just like it in a different color that I had picked up on clearance last fall. Even when I bought it, I was still reluctant thinking I could actually get into it one day. It's been a long time. I have gone from a 3X to a 1X!!! I just can't get over it.

I also started exercising yesterday. I even made it up the YMCA stairs without getting winded. It's just awesome. Now my goal this week is to make it back there again. I figure it's a good start and will be easier now that I'm down some weight. I did go rollerskating last weekend with the kiddos. So that counts too:)