Friday, February 1

Goal Changes

Last night I decided that one of my previously stated goals was a little vague for me and not really going to be possible for meyet (3 planned meals/day). So, I decided to drop that one and make some that I could probably keep - limiting my at home computer time and getting more sleep daily.

For the tracking grid, everything will be in the same measurements - ounces for beverage intake, minutes/hours for time items. This way, at the end, I can also graphical represent my trends. Over a few months, I should be able to see where my weak days maybe (I assume it's all weekends, but I'd like to prove that to myself). I also realized that I need to add my daily weight to the grid.

Here's my revised goals:

  1. Soda (oz.) - none allowed.
  2. Coffee (oz.) - no more than 20oz/day (size of my regular cup at work)
  3. Water (oz.) - at least 40oz/day (two large bottles)
  4. Sweets(#) - no more than 1 "serving" per day (this one will be harder to track, but I'll get it figured out - maybe just a simple boolean - 0 for passed, 1 for failed)
  5. Workout (min.) - at least 15 to 30 minutes/day
  6. Screen Time (min.) - no more than 60 minutes/day on non-work/non-church activities - wouldn't it be nice if I could limit it to 60 minutes AT ALL - hard to do when you work for an Internet Consultancy though! ;)
  7. Sleep (hours - prev. night) - at least 7 hours per night, 8 would be sublime.
  8. Weight (in A.M.) - to be recorded in lbs, of course. :)
Although I probably won't do this every day, here's my results from today (not encouraging in many regards!)

  1. Soda(oz.) - Had a 16oz soda at the movies - seemed weird to have water with popcorn!
  2. Coffee(oz.) - 20oz Starbucks White Raspberry Mocha with whip - had to get through the morning manager meeting today (which is the ONLY day I have a Starbucks anymore!)
  3. Water(oz.) - 40oz (+ 16oz hot tea)
  4. Sweets(#) - 1/2 small movie theatre popcorn
  5. Workout (min.) - not yet, but it's only 8pm. I think 1 hip-hop dance routine or some yoga can still be put in tonight
  6. Screen Time (min.) - So far, only 15 minutes. But, Emily wants to play RCT3 with me, so it will probably be longer tonight - but, it's kid time, so maybe it shouldn't count?? =)
  7. Sleep (hours - prev. night) - only 5 hours - 2am utnil 7am.
  8. Weight (in A.M.) - 170.4 this morning
You can still check out the grid here:

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