Tuesday, March 11

You're not alone. . .

Oh, girl, you are so not alone this month. I don't know if it's because now I know I have 3 more months of waiting for surgery, PMS, or just plain stress, but the past couple of weeks I have just wanted anything and everything chocolate or greasy. I have been able to fight off the urges most of the time, but I did have some fries last night --- ssh! don't tell. And we won't talk about last week at all. Ugh! . . .and working out - that's a whole nother story.

So I decided this week was going to be brand new. I took the stairs at work (down counts, right?) and walked 10 blocks yesterday and Sunday we played out side in the snow. So far today I have taken the stairs once, but I did really good at lunch. I had a grilled chicken sandwich and a chilli to eat. That was a hard choice because I really, really wanted a double cheeseburger and fries and a chocolate frosty. Ok, quit drooling. . .

Then out of the blue last night, my hubby tells me I "really have lost a lot of weight." WOW! Of course, that would have been nice to hear over the past three month -- every month. Then he followed it up with, "Now you're gonna get all skinny and leave me." What? You don't think I can leave you cause I'm fat?" I got a blank look and then his response - "No, you will, guys will start flirting with you when you get skinny." Me: "Oh, so you don't think they flirt with me now?" He didn't seem to understand my thinking. Well, I guess at least he finally said it. That should count for something. . . I guess.

Anyways, the rest of this week I want to walk at lunch and eat like I should. Not to mention I need to keep my log up-to-date as I eat instead of filling it out later. I've gotten into a bad habit with that. Even though I've had a few "testy" weeks, I still think I'm doing better now than I was 4 months ago.

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