Monday, September 29

Running Advice Needed!

Help! I just completed another 20+ minute walk/run and although I recorded my best mile to date (13:36 according to my Nike+ and Tiger Woods...) I can't seem to get past this 20-minute marker consistently - I was supposed to do 30 minutes run/walk tonight and couldn't go longer than 21 minutes.

I know I should probably slow my pace down, but that hurts so much more than running faster! I could walk the whole time, but I think that's defeating the purpose as well. Switching between walking and running is what's hurting me physically.

So - any hints on how to master this beginning part of my training? I can't seem to find a consistent pace/pattern to make it work well. I'll take any thoughts from novices and pros alike. Just HELP ME!

Thursday, September 25


I just signed up to do my first "race" - The Jared Coones Pumpkin Run/Walk 5k here in Olathe, KS. It's a 3-mile course that I'm somewhat familiar with as it's in my BF Tina's old neighbordhood, more or less (I think...)

I know I can do 3 miles within an hour easily and hopefully I can push myself to do better than that. But, this adventure will be a good thing for me, no matter how I do. At the very least, I'll get a sense of what participating in a run will be like and what are some of the "To Do / NOT To Do" tips I've read might work for me (or not).

I'm also trying to raise additional funds for this worthy cause along with running in it. If you could contribute to my tiny little goal of $100, I would really appreciate it. Please follow this link to make a pledge now. Any amount will help me meet this goal!! THANKS!

Wednesday, September 24

Recent Workout

Sorry for the lack of updates - busy busy girl.

Tonight, best ever in lots of areas!

Time: 30 minutes - longest ever!
Mileage: 2 miles - farthest ever!
Pace: 14:45 - not my best ever, but still pretty good for me!
Calories Burned: 265 - probably the most ever, except maybe on the day I gave birth to the twins! :)

Days till Marathon - 185 and counting...


Tuesday, September 16

2 weeks post op

Ok, as of last Tuesday, I was down 9 lbs. since surgery, 12 total since I started my program. Woohoo!! My scale must be broken at home because it keeps telling me I still weigh 250 lbs. (I was 244 at my last visit). But I sure can tell by my clothing. My boobs have deflated and I'm actually wearing bras I haven't worn in a couple of years. All of my pants are loose in the legs and yesterday when I was picking up dirty clothes in the kids' rooms, my ring fell off my finger!! I've N-E-V-E-R had that happen. Oh, and did I tell you, I have knees?:) I could actually feel the top of my knee where my thigh comes down to it. The week before, I found out I had ankles too - very cute ones I might add. . .
It's really kinda weird to me. I'm not even hungry any more. I have to keep up with my liquids and my schedule they put me on, but it's more like an "oh, I'm getting tired, I better eat" kinda thing, not a hunger thing. I'm not having cravings like I was. If you know me, I had Mt. Dew running through my veins. I haven't had one craving for that or any pop.
What was really weird to my hubby last night was the fact that we had left overs! I put a roast w/potatoes and carrots on and made noodles. When they got done eating, they had a ton left. So just imagine what $$$$ we're going to save by (1) eating less and (2) time and energy spent cooking. I figure I save at least $20 a week by not visiting McDonald's for breakfast, plus when I'd eat lunch with the girls.
So with that, I challenge you. I know we're all trying to lose weight, but what about gaining weight in your pocket book? Where can you save money and calories at? Is it that iced coffee or that breakfast burrito? Can you pledge for a week or two to give it up and see your savings? You can do it! Let me know what your pledge is and keep us updated. Together we can do this!

Tuesday, September 9


Ok, so I'm about a week post-op. If my scales are right, I'm about 12 lbs. down -- woohoo!!! So far the liquid diet was the worst part. Unfortunately it took it's toll on me (emotionally) the 3rd day in, but thanks to my loving husband and kids, I (and them) survived it. Right now I'm surviving on liquids, instant breakfast, broths, cream soups, protidiet drinks and applesauce. The cottage cheese with milk and fruit blended up was not as appealing to the taste buds as I thought it would be. It's really hard to get everything in that they want you to consume/drink. I'm just not hungry. Yes, you heard me right - NOT HUNGRY!!
But tell me this, why is it when you're in the hospital or at home sick and you really can't eat, that the only thing on TV is cooking shows??? I just don't understand that one:)
I have a follow-up with my surgeon this afternoon, so I'll keep you updated on what he says. Hope all is well your way!