Monday, September 29

Running Advice Needed!

Help! I just completed another 20+ minute walk/run and although I recorded my best mile to date (13:36 according to my Nike+ and Tiger Woods...) I can't seem to get past this 20-minute marker consistently - I was supposed to do 30 minutes run/walk tonight and couldn't go longer than 21 minutes.

I know I should probably slow my pace down, but that hurts so much more than running faster! I could walk the whole time, but I think that's defeating the purpose as well. Switching between walking and running is what's hurting me physically.

So - any hints on how to master this beginning part of my training? I can't seem to find a consistent pace/pattern to make it work well. I'll take any thoughts from novices and pros alike. Just HELP ME!


The Knedler Clan said...

What about increasing it 30 seconds at a time? I'm no runner or course. Are you listening to any music while you're running? I know that takes my mind off of exercising and I'm at the end of it before I know it.

I hope that helps some!

RunToTheFinish said...

No fear, I'm back! Hard to say without knowing exactly what's going on... but my guess and probably yours is that form is playing a big role...gotta stop that bouncing.

1. Try running faster, sounds counter intuitive but sometimes trying to run slow is actually harder than just letting yourself go.

2. Find something to distract you. TV, music, whatever it takes.

3. There is a game runners play...and you will learn it to get through any tough run..."I'm just going to get to that post and then stop... i'm just going to run for 30 seconds then stop" etc, but you just keep doing it. You have to look at the small pieces and not the whole