Monday, November 3

Photo update

Ok, I'm now about 8 weeks or so out from surgery. Things are going well. I was on a good run with the working out, but it has seemed to be put on the back burner the past 2 weeks with everything else going on. So I need to get back into that. Say an extra prayer for me, would ya!:) I did have my first official "fill" on 10-9-08 of 2 cc's. That was interesting. But boy, was the Doc right when he said you'll find things you'll no longer be able to eat (i.e., bread and certain meats). I found out the hard way what happens when you find something like that or try to eat too fast. You regret it about a second later!
I have noticed my taste buds have really changed. I haven't had one craving since surgery, which just blows my mind. I find I want to fall into the same old habits even though I'm not hungry at all. My stomach still growls even though I'm not hungry. I actually went to bed last night without supper -- I didn't realize it until this morning when I woke up!!
I don't have an official "weight loss" amount. I'm refusing to weigh myself except for when I'm at my doctor's office because his scale is weighing me different than mine. So I'll give another up date after I go back for my monthly visit on 11-13-08.
I'm also seeing positive results trickeling over into my family. My hubby isn't eating as much and is still tossing the idea around of having surgery one day too. My kids are starting to slow down eating because they see me eating slower and less. Although, I do still have to get on my 6-year-old to slow down and actually taste his food instead of inhaling it! We're just a work in progress I guess:)


RunToTheFinish said...

wow you can definitely see it in your face! Congrats on getting what you wanted...but I do hope you find healthy habits to last you for life.

The Knedler Clan said...

Thank you:) and I am. I've been making small changes. I actually made something with cabbage last night (a first in my 10 years of marriage) and had ground turkey earlier in the week.

The hard part is getting my family, mainly my hubby, not to wrinkle his nose at the foods. I think as long as I don't change the whole meal up at one time and introduce things one at a time, it'll work. He ended up loving the cabbage casserole. Now my 6 yo., not so much. . .

Anonymous said...

WOW! who knew you had such a gorgeous face? I alway knew you had inner beauty, but your face shows the inner beauty coming through!

congrats and keep up the good work!
