Friday, January 25

Being Sick = Eating Bad?

Well, for me, being sick definitely means eating bad! I'm lonely, off-work, tired, sad, and sick of being sick. So, I compensate with food. But, it has to be food easily eaten, which takes out things like apples (too crunchy) or oranges (too hard to peel with shaky hands) or even full meals. So, over the past three days while being off-work two afternoons and a whole day, I ate REALLY bad.

Lots of soda - the bubbles are better on my stomach than regular water for some reason I've never understood. It didn't matter what type of soda it was, I just couldn't handle drinking regular water and milk was definitely out. I really wanted some orange juice, but a singing teacher once told me that orange juice increases mucus production (which is why you don't drink it before singing BTW!) so I lay off when I've got a head full of mucusy crap!

Lots of pasta. Very easily to make and easier to eat - especially when slathered with melted butter. I must have had at least 4 big bowls each day. :(

Lots of cookies. I know that sounds weird. But all I could fathom eating was pasta and my recently acquired Girl Scout cookies. I personally have polished off two boxes of the darn things! And no, not the new 100 calorie packs (that are REALLY good) or the low-fat lemonades. I had to eat a box of peanut butter patties and a box of caramel delights.

So, on top of feeling sick - still - I now feel really bad about the "binging".

But, I do have to say that I had the chicken and potatoes that my husband made tonight (since he made it and cleaned up, it was much easier!) and I did drink lots of decaf tea when I was at work this week instead of lots of coffee. And I did have to drink more water -whether my stomach liked it or not! - as the decongestants were making me really dehydrated without. I also found some Yoga sites and other weight loss/workout information online today while the house was quiet. So, it wasn't all bad. Let's see what I do to turn it around when I feel better!

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