Tuesday, January 8

More Sleep = More Energy? Who Knew?!

So - it finally occurred to me. If I want to have more energy, I've got to get more sleep! OK - this isn't a NEW concept per se, but I do need to be held accountable for not just what I eat and the exercise needs, but also the sleep.

I'm a night owl by design - all those years working the late shift at Mac, topless car rides through downtown Columbus at midnight (the car was topless, not me!) and going to the grocery store at 3am REALLY messed me up when I was younger!

I love the quiet of the world at this time of night - especially since having my boys. Knowing I can have 3 to 5 hours of perfect silence if I so desire - to read, to write, to THINK - makes it too good to pass up for something as silly and "useless" as sleep.

So - if you see me online or posting past 10 PM CST, PLEASE call me on it and make me feel guilty. Remind me of all the great things I could do early in the morning - work-out, play with the boys, EAT a good breakfast. And remind me that quiet time really doesn't compare to spending time with my kids and hearing their wonderful laughs when we play ball, take a walk or just sit and talk! Thanks!

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

You can have quiet time in the morning too...I like my summer runs because the world is still at 5 AM...but yeah that totally means I fall asleep at like 9. I'm old, but happy.

For some people I think sleep seems like a waste of time, but I've learned to really love it. I love curling up with a book for 10 minutes before I go to sleep and I love waking up after truly sleeping.