Tuesday, January 29

Still unmotivated

So, not 100% yet and just feeling lazy. I really want to clean my house though and get motivated to get back on track. Any idea, thoughts, help in that area would be appreciated. (And, no "just do it" doesn't really help, so please don't say that!)


The Knedler Clan said...

You can do it!! I go through the same thing. I feel overwhelmed when I get home and it looks like a tornado went through every room. I've been trying to focus on just a few things at a time and then I fell like I get something accomplised. It's really hard after you've been working all day

RunToTheFinish said...

http://www.sparkpeople.com/resource/nutrition_articles.asp?id=1011 Not sure if this exactly what you are looking for, but I know for me small steps are the only way to make change.

Plus let's be honest a clean house is nice, but is it a must for you to have a fun night with the boys? Maybe this weekend you can make a game out of cleaning up.

TnT Momma said...

This is EXACTLY the type of thing I needed - thanks A.!