Wednesday, January 9


...and I don't mean in a happy, "7th heaven" in-the-clouds kind of floating!

All this water today is making me feel like I'm drowning! Maybe I should have eased into the whole "lots of water every day" thing, but that's just not me. So far, I've had THREE 20oz bottles of water (and a 20oz cup of coffee) today. That's 80 freaking ounces of liquid - and it's only 3 o'clock!! But, once I started drinking water today, I just couldn't stop. I think my body was trying to tell me I am pretty dehydrated on a daily basis and I need to catch up and stay up.

So, here's a personal "pat-on-the-back" to getting on the right track - and three cheers for a bathroom located just outside our office door!! :)

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

And now you know why I go to the bathroom so frequently!